Tweets to Nicholas G. Evans

Nicholas G. Evans's avatar
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Nicholas G. Evans
Assistant Professor of Philosophy, @UMassLowell. Biomedical, military, engineering ethics. Mountain bikes. COI: married to @rocza. (Photo by @kathwebster)
Tweets to this user:
Nicholas G. Evans's avatar
From @neva9257
RT @jameshamblin: @stgoldst @sethmnookin I really appreciate the concerns, guys. Please send rebuttals, corrections, contacts, etc, jhambli…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@neva9257: did Mnookin review an Anthrax album when he was a rock critic? He seems to have zero qualifications to discuss #Ebola. #ows #sgp
Nicholas G. Evans's avatar
From @neva9257
@24AheadDotCom_ no, but Hatfill and his antics are known a LOT more broadly than just #Ebola. And @sethmnookin has a nose for quacks :-|
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@neva9257: I vaguely remember Hatfill from anthrax, know nothing else about him. I have a nose for establishment-sucking hacks like Mnookie