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NBC Politics
Political news from the journalists across @NBCNews, @MSNBC, @TodayShow, @NBCNightlyNews, @MeetThePress, @NBCInvestigates and more.
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Ben Collins's avatar
From @oneunderscore__
New from me + @albamonica: Conspiracy theorists, far-right agitators head to White House with social media in their…
Ken Yeung's avatar
From @thekenyeung
@oneunderscore__ @albamonica Nothing about this administration is usual.
Pam📢🆘's avatar
From @PamManos
@oneunderscore__ @NBCPolitics @albamonica Putin said he would help him with cyber security. Trump is just following boss's orders.
Mike Rothschild, Perfumed Prince of the Illuminati's avatar
From @rothschildmd
@oneunderscore__ @albamonica The media event is closed to the media. Perfect.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rothschildmd: when's your book about conspiracy theories coming out? Do you have anything in there about the conspiracy theory that said Bush was planning a rightwing coup?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PamManos: actually, all those supposed-journalists like @oneunderscore__ who push censorship are following Putin's orders even if they, as usual, have no clue. Putin wants to show the U.S. system - incl free speech - doesn't work. He wants more censorship in the U.S.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@thekenyeung: @oneunderscore__ blogs "Trump is scheduled to host several internet personalities at an event that disinformation researchers say legitimizes people who traffic in trolling and harassment". It'd be easy to find similar sentences in old papers from USSR/DDR/etc.
tliarch's avatar
From @tliarch
RT @ABANDONTWlTTER: @NBCPolitics @Cernovich @NBCNews Amnesty Don better make sure he builds that damn wall.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Same forces that push & capitulate on amnesty will move to defund/neglect/tear down "Trump Wall" Trump's amnesty is 1986 redux. I'm sure Reagan had enablers like Trump has Cernovich MT @tliarch RT @ABANDONTWlTTER: @Cernovich Amnesty Don better make sure he builds that damn wall