Tweets to Naveed Jamali

Naveed Jamali's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Naveed Jamali
Seattle, WA
Former Double Agent (author of “How to Catch a Russian Spy”) | @newsweek editor-at-large | Navy Intel Veteran | @MSNBC/@militarytimes/@fpri alum | Views my own
Tweets to this user:
Stephen F. Diamond's avatar
From @StephenFDiamond
@NaveedAJamali @ElieNYC It’s a defense of Trump’s privileges surely but most of his voters can hardly be called pri…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's a barbarian to the real privileged (like those who own @NaveedAJamali). MT @StephenFDiamond It’s a defense of Trump’s privileges surely but most of his voters can hardly be called privileged - certainly not in comparison to the coastal [liberal] urban technocrats
Naveed Jamali's avatar
From @NaveedAJamali
Trump is an example of extreme privilege, and his base defends him because they see that privilege as a due owed to…
Becky 🧶's avatar
From @threadofmindful
@NaveedAJamali @ElieNYC @dswersky
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Naveed is probably a former spy because he just isn't that smart. If he were, he'd realize Trump's "privilege" is of the cheap & garish kind. The real privilege is the corporations that own Naveed. MT @threadofmindful MT @NaveedAJamali Trump is an example of extreme privilege
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@C_Stroop & @NaveedAJamali have incredibly wise words for #TheResistance about Guardian Rover: