Tweets to MZ

MZ's avatar
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Chicagoan in LA, talent mgmt @drumaq, @britneyspears, @grl, @aerosmith, others
Tweets to this user:
Dave Weigel's avatar
From @daveweigel
Tom Steyer kicking off his five day Iowa bus tour at the same Council Bluffs venue where Warren first stumped a yea…
Dave Weigel's avatar
From @daveweigel
First Q for Steyer: Would he endorse a wealth tax, like Warren? "Just so you know, I came out for a wealth tax 14…
MZ's avatar
From @mz
@daveweigel Why can’t these people ever just say yes or no
🥀Karmageddon🥀's avatar
From @TinaMcGugan
@daveweigel I would ask him why term limits are such a thing with him, as if voters wouldn't keep putting the same…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Pols don't say yes or no because few know what an actual tough question is. Thus they cheer MSM hacks fluffing rather than demanding real questions. P.S. Weigel lied about me on his blog then didn't approve my reply. He has 0 integrity MT @mz MT @daveweigel [fluffed Tom Steyer]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If you asked him that, he'd launch into a prepared speech. Just like he did with Weigel. Meanwhile, I carefully craft tough questions that'd put Steyer on the spot. MT @TinaMcGugan [re daveweigel Steyer blog] I would ask [TS] why term limits are such a thing with him...