Tweets to Hour Daily Bread

Hour Daily Bread's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Hour Daily Bread
I am a loaf of bread. I’m a Phat earth theorist.
Tweets to this user:
Oath Keepers's avatar
From @Oathkeepers
Stewart Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers: "I encourage all patriots, all Oath Keepers, all three percenters, to atte…
Hour Daily Bread's avatar
From @MK80627557
@Oathkeepers Will they be serving lunch?
Patriots Protect A Nation, Traitors Protect.......'s avatar
From @TrumpTheTRAIT0R
@Oathkeepers I have no idea how a patriot(s) supports a draft dodging traitor. I would be very interested in learn…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MK80627557: fat jokes seem to be about #TheResistance 's speed. That explains why Trump won - and, unless in the extremely unlikely event he's *removed* (not just impeached) - he'll win again. People like you have always *helped* Trump.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
#MAGA says "Trump might've been a draft dodger, but he isn't like those libruls who hate everything about me." See? Now you understand. MT @TrumpTheTRAIT0R ...I have no idea how a patriot(s) supports a draft dodging traitor...