Tweets to Miles Schofield

Miles Schofield's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Miles Schofield
Portfolio Trader, Guitar Crazy, Anti Globalist, Anti EU - Pro Europe, Freedom of speech, Truth and Justice MAGA all the way.
Tweets to this user:
Miles Schofield's avatar
From @Miles_Schofield
RT @SpencerFernando: Trudeau told a Canadian Veteran who lost a leg serving Canada that disabled Veterans were asking for “more than we’re…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Nothing will change until people engage those like Trudeau in Socratic debate. *Show* them wrong as peers, don't whine like subjects. MT @Miles_Schofield RT @SpencerFernando: Trudeau told a CDN Vet who lost a leg... that disabled Veterans were asking for “more than we’re…"