Tweets to Michael Edison Hayden

Michael Edison Hayden's avatar
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Michael Edison Hayden
Senior Investigative Reporter, @splcenter 🇺🇸🇪🇬 | contact/disclaimer
Tweets to this user:
Michael Edison Hayden's avatar
From @MichaelEHayden
.@Hatewatch reviewed over 900 previously private emails Stephen Miller sent to Breitbart during the run-up to the 2…
Bryan Dawson's avatar
From @BryanDawsonUSA
@MichaelEHayden @Hatewatch GREAT reporting. Begs the question why it has taken this long to get covered by MSM. It…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BryanDawsonUSA: Breitbart banned me for showing them wrong & I'm no Stephen Miller fan. But, SPLC isn't a credible group: they've tried to deceive people like you. @MichaelEHayden goes after Miller because his policies somewhat oppose the billionaire agenda. SPLC wants that $.
Michael Edison Hayden's avatar
From @MichaelEHayden
...was this really necessary?
Gulag For All Gamers🌹's avatar
From @Giza_Butler
@MichaelEHayden CNN would interview Jerry Sandusky and ask him if he thought what Jeffery Epstein did was pedophilia.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Not surprising you subconsciously equate them with someone who only says things you don't like. MT @Giza_Butler [about CNN having Richard Spencer on] CNN would interview Jerry Sandusky and ask him if he thought what Jeffery Epstein did was pedophilia
Michael Edison Hayden's avatar
From @MichaelEHayden
.@Twitter again locked out @sandibachom. This time she posted a pic of Trump supporter and local swastika enthusi…
Optimist, long memory.'s avatar
From @Rockmedia
@MichaelEHayden @Twitter @sandibachom The weird part about getting locked out today, was I posted it over a month a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Rockmedia: if you think @MichaelEHayden 's group is credible, work your way through this. What sort of credible group would try to hide part of their data set? If a medical study ignored part of its data set until called on it, would it be credible?