Tweets to Meredith Heron

Meredith Heron's avatar
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Meredith Heron
Toronto, ON
Designer. Jet Setter who rides a Bike. Wine Lover. Provocateur. Principal of Meredith Heron Design based in Toronto work Internationally. Rug Designer.
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Meredith Heron's avatar
From @meredithheron
RT @DrCrane72: I don't believe @AnnCoulter is a praying mantis, but that is more credible than her being "human"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Good job! MT @meredithheron RT @DrCrane72: I don't believe Coulter is a praying mantis, but that is more credible than her being "human"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@meredithheron @DrCrane72: smears like yours make Coulter's day: she sells books off crap like that. Are you getting a cut? #resist
♨️Saucy Stacey♨️'s avatar
From @DrCrane72
@24AheadDotCom_ @meredithheron Coulter flies coach, so I doubt there's much "cut" to go around