Tweets to Devin’s Cow’s Udders 🐮 Wash Your Hands!

Devin’s Cow’s Udders 🐮 Wash Your Hands!'s avatar
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Devin’s Cow’s Udders 🐮 Wash Your Hands!
I came in here for that special offer: guaranteed personality. #Resistance #FuckTrump #animalwelfare #cats #MeToo #Canada #ImpeachNow
Tweets to this user:
lisaling's avatar
From @lisaling
Thank you!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@maryangelafitz: #Benzo would be less of a problem without low lawsuit caps (pushed through by medical industry) & without rampant NeoLiberal policies due to cultural issues & corrupt leaders (e.g., mass offshoring). @lisaling & CNN are too corrupt to punch up against those.
Michael F Ozaki MD's avatar
From @brontyman
After sale talks collapse Weinstein Co. headed to bankruptcy
Devin’s Cow’s Udders 🐮 Wash Your Hands!'s avatar
From @maryangelafitz
@brontyman Gee, that's too bad.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@maryangelafitz: it should be clear that how #TheResistance leaders opposed Trump didn't work: he won. All his problems are self-caused. I repeatedly begged @brontyman to help oppose Trump in smart ways & he refused. To undercut Trump you have to hold leaders accountable.
Devin’s Cow’s Udders 🐮 Wash Your Hands!'s avatar
From @maryangelafitz
I miss @BarbaraBoxer @CNN @ChrisCuomo
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@maryangelafitz: like Trump, @BarbaraBoxer supports the anti-American DACA deal/DREAMAct. Both would lower U.S. wages, keep some U.S. students out of college, *and* continue braindraining foreign countries. Either she can't figure that out or she doesn't care. #CNN #resist