Tweets to Marin County Sheriff

Marin County Sheriff's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Marin County Sheriff
Marin County, CA
Official Marin County Sheriff's Office twitter feed. Feed is not monitored 24hrs. Please call 911 in case of emergencies, or 415-479-2311 (non-emergency)
Tweets to this user:
Marin County Sheriff's avatar
From @MarinSheriff
A statement from the Irwin and Kiparsky Family. Pictured: Rescue Team.
Ric Fink's avatar
From @ricfink
@MarinSheriff I wish to thank the @MarinSAR for NOT QUITTING. It is a reminder that people lost in the bush have a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ricfink: #CarolKiparsky & #IanIrwin were within 1/2 mile of their rental & were able to shout. It not like they were 100 miles from civilization. It took @MarinSheriff & @MarinSAR *eight days* to find them. They probably need multiple hands to find their behinds.
Marin County Sheriff's avatar
From @MarinSheriff
Update from Carol Kiparsky and Ian Irwin. They are in great spirits and want to thank every single person who has k…
Kenny Choi's avatar
From @KennyKPIX
@MarinSheriff Thank you to the hundreds of volunteers who searched countless hours for more than 7 days.. ‘GROOT’ t…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KennyKPIX: it took @MarinSheriff *eight days* to find an elderly couple who a) could shout & b) were 1/2 mile from their starting point. That area appears to have lots of vegetation but it's not like there are 1000' cliffs, ice/snow, etc. Don't enable their incompetence.
Marin County Sheriff's avatar
From @MarinSheriff
We’ve found Carol and Ian alive. We are working to extract them from the area using @MarinSAR @sonomasheriff Henry 1.
PSSMarin's avatar
From @PSSpecialists
@MarinSheriff @MarinSAR @sonomasheriff Yay Marin SAR! You rock! Second rescue this week!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PSSpecialists: it took @MarinSheriff *eight days* to find an elderly couple *who could shput* and who were *a half mile* from their *AirBNB*. (Real wilderness doesn't have AirBNBs). That's disgraceful. Thankfully they got lucky.