Tweets to Michael Stone

Michael Stone's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Michael Stone
Brooklyn, NY
Nonprofit middle management for government stuff. Very minor figure in the Brooklyn Democratic Party. Trying to learn law and doing OK at it. Other things too.
Tweets to this user:
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
Michael Stone's avatar
From @M_G_Stone
@AJentleson @hiattf Due to media malpractice, a whole lot of voters *didn’t* know who Trump really was when he was…
Mary Manning's avatar
From @mary_mnnng
@M_G_Stone @AJentleson @hiattf I don't buy that. All you had to do was listen to his drivel for 5 minutes and it w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
And, indeed it did to 10s of millions for whom the pro-Koch, pro-SJW Dems are toxic. Most Americans are Red Tory, Dem leaders orbit off beyond Pluto. MT @mary_mnnng All you had to do was listen to [Trump's] drivel for 5 minutes and it would have told you all you need to know.