Tweets to outlaw sixty

outlaw sixty's avatar
Twitter handle: 
outlaw sixty
Retired RN, I'm an old lady in love with Rafael Nadal since 2005! I live and breath tennis! I believe in the Constitution. Never speak PC! RT's not endorsement.
Tweets to this user:
Sam Thiessen's avatar
From @SamThiessen
Until #America prohibits those on welfare from voting we will remain in decline #WakeUpAmerica #tcot @oreillyfactor @AnnCoulter @ericbolling
outlaw sixty's avatar
From @lynney62
@SamThiessen @oreillyfactor @AnnCoulter @ericbolling Yes!
Kristin Billitere's avatar
From @SpecialKMB1969
@lynney62 @SamThiessen @oreillyfactor @AnnCoulter @ericbolling fr what I rd 100K new refugees will b receiving welfare as well unbelievable
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SpecialKMB1969: Thiessen is a fake patriot who turns his back on millions of Americans incl millions of whites & potential Trump voters.
TheMeturgeman's avatar
From @DraftRyan2016
LOL @GovernorOMalley radical jihadis. as opposed to the more reasonable more moderate jihadis.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DraftRyan2016 @lynney62: undercut O'Malley by pointing out to *his supporters* how close his immigration stance is to WalMart & USChamber.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@lynney62: what % of Americans are receptive to @newzealblog's #RedsUnderTheBed shtick? #immigration #teaparty #COMMIES #tcot #GOP #PINKOS