Tweets to Babs 22 - Text TRUMP to 88022

Babs 22 - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
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Babs 22 - Text TRUMP to 88022
Love my Country, President, LEO'S πŸ’™, 1st Responders. #WWG1WGA #ForGodAndCountry
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Charlamagne Tha God's avatar
From @cthagod
Tonight I’m on cnntonight with @donlemon being my usual charming self. Feel free to leave your opinion below after…
Babs 22 - Text TRUMP to 88022's avatar
From @lynne2222
@cthagod @donlemon Only promote what YOU want. #FakeNews #CNNSUCKS #TellTheTruth
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lynne2222: CNN says @cthagod is a "must stop" for 2020 Dems because: a) he's the "right" race, and b) Dems know he won't challenge them on their policies. If he was in the habit of pressing pols - D or R - on the huge flaws in their policies, he wouldn't even be on CNN.