Tweets to Jeremy

Jeremy's avatar
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Lake Worth, FL
Florida man; married 11 years and a 12 year old daughter. I work in tech, self produce my own music, watch Jaguars football and pro wrestling.
Tweets to this user:
Jessica Fletcher's avatar
From @heckyessica
The irony of mass-deleting speech in an effort to hide people from a fascist is wholly incredible.
Jeremy's avatar
From @linkthisletter
@heckyessica Very Fahrenheit 451. Start erasing history so you can retell it the way you want, right? So the next gโ€ฆ
Jeremy's avatar
From @linkthisletter
@heckyessica There needs to be a legitimate alternative to YouTube.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
1. Devin Nunes wants Twitter to police speech. When will you tweet him you oppose? 2. Cons *help* Twitter censorship by falsely pretending only cons are censored. MT @heckyessica The irony of mass-deleting speech in an effort to hide people from a fascist is wholly incredible
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@linkthisletter: YT/TWTR/etc would be much less likely to censor if not for cons falsely pretending they're the only victims of censorship. That marginalizes the opposition to censorship, like fielding a baseball team of only 0.3 players. Plus, the whiny snowflakes are annoying