Tweets to kris graft

kris graft's avatar
Twitter handle: 
kris graft
Post-apocalyptic hobo and Editor-In-Chief @gamasutra, aka The Sekiro of Video Game Websites. Also: smoked meat.
Tweets to this user:
Chris Morris's avatar
From @MorrisatLarge
@krisgraft I check into my hotel Sunday. I expect you to deliver a brisket.
kris graft's avatar
From @krisgraft
@MorrisatLarge oh wait youโ€™re talking about sxsw! hit me upppp
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@krisgraft: have you seen "California Crops Rot as Immigration Crackdown Creates Farmworker Shortage" by @MorrisatLarge? Check it out, then search for "crops rotting in the fields". Growers have been "planting" such fake tales for years. Morris is no journalist. #Fortune