Tweets to Kris Ankarlo

Kris Ankarlo's avatar
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Kris Ankarlo
Los Angeles, CA
Reporter @KFIAM640 in Los Angeles. Host @Chargers Countdown to Kickoff. Tweets are News, Football & Random observations of CA amazement @penn_state grad
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24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KrisAnkarlo: same #DMV might've double charged me. Dip**** said my card declined (it was just in pending status for a few seconds) so I used another card. Both charges, AFAIK, went through. I have to wait 5-7 days for transaction(s) to clear, then up to 90 days for a refund.
Kris Ankarlo's avatar
From @KrisAnkarlo
Groundbreaking on the first Bridge Home shelter in South LA. Mayor Garcetti and CM Harris-Dawson noted the lack of…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's accused of eliminationism, but @JohnAndKenShow 's screams about the homeless are much closer. MT @KrisAnkarlo South LA [homeless shelter]... Garcetti... noted lack of opposition, & thus relative lack of media interest. “It is easy to get a few ppl to shout and disagree.”
Kris Ankarlo's avatar
From @KrisAnkarlo
Flanked by engineers, construction workers and public safety officials Mayor Garcetti makes the case to vote no on…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KrisAnkarlo: hey Kris, @JohnAndKenShow talk about the homeless like they were Roma & this was 1938. But, they oppose a Proposition that'd fund housing for mentally ill homeless *just* because it would cost money. Is any of that smart, sane, & not sociopathic? #KFI #LosAngeles