Tweets to Brian Kilmeade

Brian Kilmeade's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Brian Kilmeade
Co-anchor, Fox & Friends host, The Brian Kilmeade Show, NY Times Best Selling Author.
Tweets to this user:
Liz W's avatar
From @MizLizW
@KFILE @kilmeade @SteveDoocy @ainsleyearhardt Let us remember that Steve Doocy used to do TV comedy. I met him year…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MizLizW: whatever Falwell said, @KFILE is a dumpster diver who's using #covid19 to push censorship. The elites want surveillance & censorship to increase their control. He also isn't smart enough to show his opponents wrong, so tries to silence them.
andrew kaczynski🤔's avatar
It's time to take charlatans like this off air and it's the height of irresponsibility from @kilmeade, @SteveDoocy,…
Stephanie Caputo's avatar
From @CaputoStephanie
@KFILE @ChuckRossDC @kilmeade @SteveDoocy @ainsleyearhardt Sure, but then we must take the lefty charlatans off the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CaputoStephanie: the elites use crises to push their control agenda: after 9/11 surveillance/TSA/etc, after Putin, censorship, etc. Now, @KFILE (who downplayed NFL domestic violence!) uses Falwell/Covid19 to push yet more censorship.
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
Thanks to @foxandfriends' @kilmeade for having me on this morning to discuss the @FCC's big court victory yesterday…
Mike 👾🕹's avatar
From @dasomegabit
@AjitPaiFCC @foxandfriends @kilmeade @FCC @facebook Will you ever stop lying / shilling?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He won't until people like you put your issues aside and listen to smarter people. Organize an effort to have experts ask him tough policy questions to his face on video for Youtube. Stop being so useless. MT @dasomegabit [to @AjitPaiFCC] Will you ever stop lying / shilling?