Tweets to kiki lala

kiki lala's avatar
Twitter handle: 
kiki lala
Alberta, Canada
Canadian mother and wife who's thrilled that Trump is President. Animal lover. President Trump is saving the whole world❤️
Tweets to this user:
kiki lala's avatar
From @kikilauridsen
RT @RealAlexJones: Mike Adams shows what would happen if Twitter were to censor black people the same way the social media company censors…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Twitter heavily censors *libs* replying to Jones & Watson. Watson's petition only got ~15k sigs because he limited it to "alternative voices" when *all* users need to be worried. MT @kikilauridsen RT @RealAlexJones: Mike Adams [tries to play the race card on #Twitter censorship]
kiki lala's avatar
From @kikilauridsen
RT @lindaporr: @realDonaldTrump Thank President Trump for being so forthright to the American People. I trust in your solid leadership and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@kikilauridsen @lindaporr: if/when Trump pushes amnesty for DREAMers, will you also fervently support his amnesty? #MAGA?