Tweets to Kenneth Simon

Kenneth Simon's avatar
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Kenneth Simon
Tweets to this user:
Phil McCausland's avatar
From @PhilMcCausland
A group of bipartisan senators have proposed creating a pool of $700 million to help rural telecom companies replac…
Kenneth Simon's avatar
From @KenSimonn
@PhilMcCausland @maggieNYT Why is that my dime keeps going to bailout trump voters because of his policy decisions…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KenSimonn: you complain about Trump's corporate socialism, yet @PhilMcCausland is pushing NeoLiberalism (free trade, loose borders, globalism). That's the biggest example of corporate socialism ever devised. It's meant gains for some, misery for many.
Kenneth Simon's avatar
From @KenSimonn
@24AheadDotCom_ @PhilMcCausland Who the hell cares what Phil McCausland thinks or does??? Who the hell is he??? I d…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KenSimonn replies: "Who the [heck] cares what Phil McCausland thinks or does??? Who the [heck] is he??? I don’t recall him getting elected to anything" @PhilMcCausland is a very minor cog in the MSM propaganda machine. Showing those like him wrong has many benefits to the USA.