Tweets to Dr. Mike Kennedy

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Dr. Mike Kennedy
Alpine, UT
Former State Legislator, Family Doctor, Lawyer, Eagle Scout, Husband, and Proud Father of eight in the beautiful state of Utah.
Tweets to this user:
Dr. Mike Kennedy's avatar
From @KennedyForUtah
No surprise @Romney4Utah changed his stance on #Immigration again. Everyone invloved deserves better than uncertain…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Do you stand firm for Trump Wall? When Trump's out of office, what will you do about the very forces that have successfully blocked it now working to neglect it or tear it down? MT @KennedyForUtah [unlike Mitt] I'll stand firm when others waver [on #immigration]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KennedyForUtah: if Trump himself has failed at Trump Wall, what makes you think a non-Trump leader could keep it in place? As a doctor you must be smart. So, can you conceive of smarter, more rational, cheaper, much easier ways to do the same thing the Wall would do?