Tweets to Kellyanne Conway

Kellyanne Conway's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Kellyanne Conway
Mom. Patriot. Catholic. Happy Warrior. Counselor. Survivor.
Tweets to this user:
Florida GOP's avatar
From @FloridaGOP
Thank you @pambondi and @kellyannepolls for empowering women and supporting President @realDonaldTrump! #trump2020…
Jacksonville YR's's avatar
From @JaxYRs
@FloridaGOP @PamBondi @KellyannePolls @realDonaldTrump AG @PamBondi is the best!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Bondi cheers Mick Mulvaney as "wonderful". I'd like you to imagine what will happen when #MAGA realizes how pro-amnesty he - and all of Trump's other lackeys - are. Maybe that'll be the October Surprise. MT @JaxYRs AG @PamBondi is the best!
Kellyanne Conway's avatar
From @KellyannePolls
Congratulations and thank you @MickMulvaneyOMB for stepping up and stepping in to serve as Acting Chief of Staff fo…
No Need's avatar
From @ShanDixy
@KellyannePolls @MickMulvaneyOMB @POTUS @WhiteHouse Loved ur husband tweet about oaths
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ShanDixy: @KellyannePolls & Mulvaney are extremely vulnerable because they're big amnesty fans. KAC even got paid by Zuckerberg to deceive about amnesty! #MAGA would turn against them if they knew. Please explain why #TheResistance leaders aren't using that against them.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
As shown by my #Twitter censorship checker (topmost tweet), 0 tweets to @speakerryan or @kellyannepolls are censored. A very small % to @presssec are. A greater % to @gopleader, & a large % to @sentomcotton. #MAGA #resist
Bethsinni's avatar
From @bethsinniresist
RT @jdawsey1: Defying the Odds, @KellyannePolls Steps Back and Hangs On. Smart story from @katierogers and @maggieNYT:…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bethsinniresist: re @jdawsey1 hyping what he calls a "smart story" from @katierogers, it'd be actually smart if she/he discussed how pro-amnesty Kellyanne Conway is. She took Zuckerberg $ to deceive about amnesty, yet - oddly enough! - "reporters" ignore that. #TheResistance
Kellyanne Conway's avatar
From @KellyannePolls
.@Eagles are @SuperBowl Champions for the first time ever! Best fans ever.
Clue Heywood's avatar
From @ClueHeywood
@KellyannePolls @Eagles @SuperBowl Go fuck yourself.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ClueHeywood: you say "Go fuck yourself" to KellyannePolls, over Eagles, Trump, or both. The smart, grown-up way to really undercut her is to point out that she got paid by Mark Zuckerberg to deceive about amnesty. #MAGA really won't like that. Will you help with that?
Mike's avatar
From @Fuctupmind
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Fuctupmind: hey Mike, @KellyannePolls took Mark Zuckerberg's money to deceive about amnesty. Now she's probably one of those pushing Trump to sell out the USA on amnesty using the same arguments GWB used. If you oppose amnesty for real, you have to oppose her. #MAGA
Dee Loralei, Citizen's avatar
From @DeeLoralei
RT @The_UnSilent_: Is it me or does @TomiLahren @AnnCoulter and @KellyannePolls look like the same person at different stages of crystal me…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Kellyanne took Zuckerberg $ to deceive about amnesty, something that could sink her. Your personal smears just help her. It's that type of stuff that helped Trump win. #TheResistance MT @DeeLoralei RT @The_UnSilent_: [childish smears of TomiLahren AnnCoulter and KellyannePolls]
About TREE FIDDY's avatar
From @SHADESmiami
Wow. Chris Cuomo just owned her. I didn’t know he had it in him . Good job though. #FeetToTheFire @KellyannePolls…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SHADESmiami: actually, KellyannePolls dominated @ChrisCuomo & made him whine like a bitch. When she lied about what he said, he should have stopped her & forced her to admit she lied, rolling back the tape if necessary. Don't you want Trump hacks to *admit* to lying? #CNN
🇺🇸Super Elite Texan™🇺🇸  ▄︻╦デ╤一's avatar
From @starcrosswolf
RT @kwilli1046: .@KellyannePolls - This Should Be A Historical Year on Immigration. Trump Won on Taking a Tough Stance Against illegal Immi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Kellyanne got paid by Mark Zuckerberg to deceive about immigration. Now she's got Trump's ear. #MAGA MT @starcrosswolf RT @kwilli1046: .@KellyannePolls - This Should Be A Historical Year on Immigration...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@emilyelarsen: others (eg salenazito) have worked to cover up how @KellyannePolls took Zuck's bucks to deceive about amnesty. But I'm sure since you're #DailyCaller & thus not Fake News you'll reveal this: When can we expect you to do that?
