Tweets to Mickey Kaus

Mickey Kaus's avatar
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Mickey Kaus
The End of Equality [1992, Basic Books] "The venerable liberal crusade for income equality is doomed. ... Time [to] try a different strategy."
Tweets to this user:
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@johndurant: @kausmickey put his pride ahead of stopping Obama's amnesty. Please put USA ahead of any slight entertainment value he has.
Ginger Lanier's avatar
From @GingerLanier
RT @ByronYork: RT @kausmickey: Jeb's idea of populist optics: Don't give me more than $1 million apiece! For now.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GingerLanier: hi Ginger, can you help me figure something out? Did Mickey Kaus do all he could to stop amnesty, as far as you know?
❌Shadowbanned, R. U.?'s avatar
From @shelliecorreia
RT @futurepundit: @MarkSKrikorian @kausmickey The "will be" part misses point that very high unemployment of unskilled is here:…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@shelliecorreia: what do you have against wind turbines?
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
"Queering Sovereignty": UCLA geniuses apply "queer theory" to illegal immigration
Cynthia Yockey's avatar
From @conservativelez
.@kausmickey It's a bid for illegals to support gays & left, even though illegals come from anti-gay cultures/religions, won't reciprocate.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@conservativelez: his trust fund aside, @KausMickey has a financial interest in *not* stopping amnesty. Gives him something to write about.
Cynthia Yockey's avatar
From @conservativelez
@24AheadDotCom_ Stopping amnesty is one thing @kausmickey and @AnnCoulter agree on.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@conservativelez: neither @kausmickey nor @AnnCoulter want to *actually* stop amnesty. They oppose it, but stopping it isn't a priority.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
I've tried but still don't understand why it was smart 4 House conservatives 2 vote against Boehner's 3-week DHS punt
Jonathan Strong's avatar
From @j_strong
@kausmickey argument Mulvaney made to reporters today: we already knew GOP leadership wasn't going to do anything to put pressure on Ds
Jonathan Strong's avatar
From @j_strong
@kausmickey ...because we had seen 7 weeks of squat from GOP leadership in leadup to vote
Jonathan Strong's avatar
From @j_strong
@kausmickey I'm with you though - not sure 3 weeks of delaying it isn't better than just outright defeat ... at least prolonging it
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@j_strong: the very smart way to stop amnesty: Let me know if you'll help make that happen or not.
Mark Krikorian's avatar
From @MarkSKrikorian
"main victims of automation will [be] ...those with lower levels of income and education" Solution: More Immigration!
Randall Parker's avatar
From @futurepundit
@MarkSKrikorian @kausmickey The "will be" part misses point that very high unemployment of unskilled is here:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@futurepundit: @MarkSKrikorian isn't on our side: *Not* stopping amnesty is his gravy train. #tcot #teaparty
Roy Beck's avatar
From @RoyBeck_NUSA
GOP did well in 10 & 14 appealing to working class voters. JEB's immigration comments don't sound like 10' or 14'
Ronan O'Donnabhain's avatar
From @rodonnabhain
@RoyBeck_NUSA @kausmickey GOP approach to immigration issue following well worn pattern as outlined by @paulwaldman1
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rodonnabhain: @RoyBeck_NUSA & @kausmickey could have stopped amnesty if they'd really wanted to. Disliking me (!!) was more important.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
Foreign guestworkers fill hundreds of Sacramento-area jobs--processing unemployment claims of U.S. workers
Sandy Hamilton's avatar
From @ThatsMsSandy2U
@kausmickey @SolToast "guestworkers".. sigh.. Why can't we evict them? (snarky eyeroll)
George Eliseo's avatar
From @GeorgeEliseo
@kausmickey Irony and Greed connect in Big Gov't Sacramento style. Jerry Brown chuckles to himself... @instapundit
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GeorgeEliseo: there are things @KausMickey could have done that would have stopped amnesty. He *chose* not to do them.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ThatsMsSandy2U: good question. Why does Obama allow so many "guest workers"? Could it be due to the incompetence of his opposition?
Jake Tapper's avatar
From @jaketapper
Why so little media and blog coverage of the American blogger/critic of Islam killed today?
Engineer with an MD's avatar
From @johannalapp
@jaketapper @kausmickey New murders can't happen. We're safer than we've ever been. Are you calling Sec. Kerry a liar?
Charles Van Cott's avatar
From @CharlesVanCott
@johannalapp @jaketapper @kausmickey John Kerry a liar? That does a complete disservice to liars everywhere!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CharlesVanCott: @KausMickey could have stopped amnesty if he'd really wanted to. He's just a trust fund baby looking for attention.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
What Rubio said wasn't as bad as calling 4 clean DHS bill. It was worse! He sez fight Obama by passing Gang of 8 bill
Steven's avatar
From @sustain05
@kausmickey @hargiscolyer Rubio is NOT to be trusted. He betrayed his base, and a man that will do that is pretty low down. #Disloyal
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sustain05: I've been warning about Rubio for years. Also, @kausmickey can't be trusted: he could have stopped amnesty but refused.
