Tweets to Julie S.

Julie S.'s avatar
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Julie S.
Washington, DC
ERISA/employee benefits class action lawyer; opinions are my own. We must change course as a nation. #MedicareforAll #HomeisHere #BLM #Bernie2020
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Slate's avatar
From @Slate
Wayne LaPierre allegedly wanted the estate because he worried about his safety after the Parkland shooting.
Julie S.'s avatar
From @Juliess31
@Slate Then the NRA should just buy him a good guy with a gun, right?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What's funny is Slate is owned by Bezos; rest assured he has dozens of armed guards. Slate writers probably have them guns at home. MT @Slate [Wayne La Pierre worried about own safety post Parkland] MT @Juliess31 Then the NRA should just buy him a good guy with a gun, right?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Juliess31: a gang member recently killed 4 strangers in a stabbing spree. Columbine was originally planned as a bomb attack; they only resorted to guns when the bombs failed. If you're capable of representing clients, you should be able to realize the problem isn't guns.