Tweets to John and Ken

John and Ken's avatar
Twitter handle: 
John and Ken
Southern California
Kicking ass and taking names five days a week. John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou broadcast live weekdays 2-6PM. Call the Moistline! 877-MOIST-86
Tweets to this user:
eric preven's avatar
From @ericpreven
Handy Liquor — The public convenience and necessity... near some of the most dangerous streets in the valley? 1064…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
House proud town mouse @ericpreven enables @JohnAndKenShow, who talk about the homeless in a way that'd be right at home in 30s Germany. And, they do it to avoid going after the real culprits: Big Biz & pol leaders. #StudioCity #SCNC
Corbin Carson's avatar
From @CorbinCarson
NOW: Homeless people in San Clemente say they’re okay with moving to a new campground the city is setting up. With…
❤️mytwins's avatar
From @aimnkevb
@CorbinCarson @johnandkenshow @KFIAM640 Living at the beach with no rules, trash service (which I pay monthly), and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@aimnkevb: what's hilarious is how those like you, @CorbinCarson, & esp John & Ken hurt yourselves. Due to Dunning Kruger, people like you can't figure out you're just helping those like Garcetti.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AronBender: what do you think of this @JohnAndKenShow solution to finally solve the problem of those dirty, filthy vagrants?
Corbin Carson's avatar
From @CorbinCarson
NOW: An apartment complex in San Clemente is kicking out tenants so chronically homeless people can move in. Reside…
FNG's avatar
From @FNG85212
@CorbinCarson @KFIAM640 I know @BradHutchings isn’t far....I have extra room for ya
Brad Hutchings 🍌🐶's avatar
From @BradHutchings
@FNG85212 @CorbinCarson @KFIAM640 There's "affordable for OC" inventory inland that is fairly nice, but it's not th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's a bad situation all around, but it has a smart solution. Dim, anti-American, inhumane bourgeois tantrums from @JohnAndKenShow aren't it. MT @CorbinCarson San Clemente apt bldg to evict tenants so chronically homeless people can move in...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BradHutchings: without cavil or comment, @corbincarson interviewed someone saying the homeless will never contribute to society. If you don't know German, learn it. Then, see if you could avoid translating that into mid-century German. #SanClemente #OrangeCounty
Kris Ankarlo's avatar
From @KrisAnkarlo
Groundbreaking on the first Bridge Home shelter in South LA. Mayor Garcetti and CM Harris-Dawson noted the lack of…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's accused of eliminationism, but @JohnAndKenShow 's screams about the homeless are much closer. MT @KrisAnkarlo South LA [homeless shelter]... Garcetti... noted lack of opposition, & thus relative lack of media interest. “It is easy to get a few ppl to shout and disagree.”
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@GrahamDavidA: Kobylt of @JohnAndKenShow calls #TheAtlantic "great". If he knew the site is owned by Ms Globalism he'd cheer her anti-American efforts. The site lies so often they had to get rid of comments to keep their readers from constantly showing how they lie.
lana allison's avatar
From @piazal
@johnandkenshow are you complaining about the west side being shut down by trump like you did when Obama came to town?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@piazal: JohnAndKenShow talk about homeless like they were Hutus. If you want to undercut them for real, urge homeless orgs to go on their show & engage them in debate (or to highlight that J&K won't let them on). Only thing that counts is to show J&K wrong to their audience.
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
More than a dozen sheriffs in Washington state are refusing to enforce a new gun control initiative that voters pas…
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
#VICENewsTonight starts right now
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
As Sec. Pompeo glad-handed with PM Netanyahu today in Israel, Trump thought he’d throw in a surprise shift in Ameri…
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
Venezuelan intelligence officers arrested Roberto Marrero, the chief-of-staff for opposition leader Juan Guaidó — t…
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
Two days after a Turkish-born shooter killed three people in Utrecht — Dutch voters swung to the right, giving a fr…
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
The House Oversight Committee is calling on White House Counsel to stop stonewalling its investigation into whether…
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
Bob Songer is the Sheriff of Klickitat County, in southern Washington. And he’s refusing to enforce a new gun contr…
VICE News's avatar
From @vicenews
"I keep saying to Democrats if you want an answer to what we do when we're back in power. Look out west." We spoke…
Marie Fonseca 🔥🅰️🌹's avatar
From @TheMarieFonseca
@vicenews @GavinNewsom Can @GavinNewsom please remind @SpeakerPelosi that she took an oath - it is her job - she ne…
Joseph Robinson's avatar
From @oakland1300
@vicenews @GavinNewsom Yea look at California. Its killing middle class forcing them out, homelessness is rampant a…
Jerry Fuhrman 🇺🇸's avatar
From @JerryFuhrman2
@vicenews @GavinNewsom First, can we get an answer to the question, "How in the hell did you manage to resurrect th…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Can you imagine what he'd answer? You're a child next to him. Stand down. Help those with questions he can't answer. MT @JerryFuhrman2 First, can we get an answer to the question, "How in the hell did you [Newsom] manage to resurrect the typhus epidemic 'out west'"?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TheMarieFonseca: absent something extremely unexpected (which you're free to rely on), Dem leaders are too smart/sane to impeach Trump. Plus, Trump is eager to create millions of new Dem voters with amnesty. That's where Trump is most vulnerable, but they won't harp on it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@oakland1300: #CAGOP, @hjta, @JohnAndKenShow, etc. etc. are the best "opponents" Newsom could ever wish for (besides ISIS). Their self-centered, selfish, anti-American extremism makes him seem reasonable by comparison to most. To undercut him, first undercut them.
Brighton Bacchus's avatar
From @bbacchus818
@MarkTLive will soon be on @johnandkenshow and I can hear his deep voice I only get to hear on Tuesday nights with…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bbacchus818: as someone who's religious, what do you think of @johnandkenshow constantly punching way, way down at the least among us? Yet, they never go after the wealthy when their policies have increased illegal immigration, driven many out of CA, & increased homelessness.
bikecar101's avatar
From @bikecar101
"The health of California depends on getting people out of their cars." Yes...let's get the S.C.O.R.E. program goin…
Richard's avatar
From @8525bigmoney
@bikecar101 @Metrolink @metrolosangeles Please another way to try and control people @johnandkenshow this is a joke…
bikecar101's avatar
From @bikecar101
@8525bigmoney @Metrolink @metrolosangeles @johnandkenshow Giving people an alternative form of transportation. For those who choose to ride.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@bikecar101: @johnandkenshow is like Tutsi Radio. Meek tips won't work. You have to aggressively show their anti-American, sociopathic libertarian ideas wrong in smart, big tent ways. I can do that, name even one other person who can.
