Tweets to Very Legal and Cool Woman

Very Legal and Cool Woman's avatar
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Very Legal and Cool Woman
Attorney. Here to challenge disinformation from the right. Trump is corrupt and is not fit to be the President of our great country. #resistpersist
Tweets to this user:
Kyle Griffin's avatar
From @kylegriffin1
A new lawsuit alleges that Mike Pompeo broke the law by allowing Trump to seize the notes from a key meeting with Vโ€ฆ
Very Legal and Cool Woman's avatar
From @Jmylessmiles
@kylegriffin1 WTF is he hiding. Everytime Trump says he is the most transparent President in history - the media/Deโ€ฆ
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Jmylessmiles: like everything else all those like Griffin have ever said, this latest will CTN. Would you handle a case the same way? MT @kylegriffin1 ...A new lawsuit alleges that Mike Pompeo broke the law by allowing Trump to seize the notes from a key meeting with Putin...