Tweets to None More Jeff

None More Jeff's avatar
Twitter handle: 
None More Jeff
Ducktrap, America
I enjoy the pie and can play some guitar.
Tweets to this user:
Merlinsscience♠️'s avatar
From @merlinsscience
@jepherz @akclarke_ It didn’t— this is just another imaginary whistle by the far left to further incite violence against #WrongThink
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You were so close. Replace "violence" (which only extremists in the base want) with "censorship" & try again. MT @merlinsscience [far-left opposition to Gadsen flag is] just another imaginary whistle by the far left to further incite violence against #WrongThink
Amanda Clarke's avatar
From @akclarke_
This is one of the people harassing me because of a random tweet about a T-shirt. In one breath these people will d…
None More Jeff's avatar
From @jepherz
@akclarke_ I’m just an old white dude living in New England who grew up seeing the Gadsden flag at July 4th parades…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It didn't. Dim TPers carried it while dressed as Tom Paine sans outrage. SJWs are just trying yet another power play. To undercut them, challenge them on how liberals used to be against book burnings. MT @jepherz [asks @akclarke_ when Gadsen flag became "symbol of oppression"]