Tweets to BOND text Trump to “88022”

BOND text Trump to “88022”'s avatar
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BOND text Trump to “88022”
New Mexico, USA
REAGAN VET SHAKEN NOT STIRRED 🇺🇸MAGA FOLLOWED BY GENERAL FLYNN 🇺🇸 Jesse Jane Duff 🇺🇸 Bradford file 🇺🇸 Jacob Wohl 🇺🇸Lori Hendry
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BOND text Trump to “88022”'s avatar
From @jamesbott007
RT @AngelOfficial: @meme_america @GOPLeader @AnnCoulter @TuckerCarlson All of these VERIFIED accounts called for someone to physically harm…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Doesn't the current setup indicate you're doing it wrong? Eg, you seemingly want them to be censored as you falsely claim only you are censored. MT @jamesbott007 RT @AngelOfficial: @meme_america All of these VERIFIED accounts called for someone to physically harm [etc]