Tweets to ian bremmer

ian bremmer's avatar
Twitter handle: 
ian bremmer
political scientist, author, teach at columbia sipa, columnist at time, president @eurasiagroup, @gzeromedia. if you lived here, you'd be home now.
Tweets to this user:
KarenLynne 🥁's avatar
From @Alagai
@ianbremmer I don't take ANYTHING they say at face value unless Faucci is talking and without the others around. T…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Alagai: to get Trump's attention, cut into his base. All your leaders - @ianbremmer on up - simply aren't smart/devious/experienced enough to figure out how something that'd be incredibly easy for me if I had their reach, even if they had it as a goal. You enable incompetents.
ian bremmer's avatar
From @ianbremmer
I’d feel better about US response to this crisis if we had a President who understands facts, appreciated expertise…
Paul Stothard's avatar
From @paul_stothard
@ianbremmer Bush? Really?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@paul_stothard: a sheikh offers you $10 mil if you make Trump better on #CoronaVirus. Would you hire @ianbremmer, based on his history of having the means to make Trump better but lacking the smarts & patriotism? He couldn't figure out how to do it even if he had it as a goal.
ian bremmer's avatar
From @ianbremmer
This happens at every NATO summit with Trump. Every G7. Every G20. The US President is mocked by US allies behind h…
Conrad's avatar
From @Conrguy
@ianbremmer Looks worse on Trudeau than it does on Trump
ElizabethR 👑's avatar
From @ElizabethRBess
@Conrguy @ianbremmer it doesn’t. As a Canadian I think it’s awesome. Bravo Trudeau!
David Rothkopf's avatar
From @djrothkopf
@ianbremmer Absolutely right, Ian. But sometimes they mock him to his face, also.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I could show Trumpe wrong in my sleep. None mentioned below are smart/brave enough to engage Trump to his face & show him wrong. MT @ElizabethRBess [cheers, that's how Canadians roll] MT @ianbremmer [cheers cowardly kids like Trudeau laughing about Trump behind his back]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@djrothkopf: Trump is extremely vulnerable to his base over his bans, his "wall", PR, etc. Challenging his proxies on those using Socratic questions would *really* hurt Trump. You & @ianbremmer have access to those proxies but you lack the smarts & the patriotism to do it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ianbremmer: Trump has fooled 10s of millions into thinking his "wall" is viable, when Congress would neglect/destroy it as soon as he's out of office. IOW, Trump has scammed 10s of millions. Are you urging CNN hosts to call his proxies on it, or doing something else?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ianbremmer: congrats on Cernovich RTing your joke about "just build the wall" as a response to Bieber seeking citizenship. However, what I've wanted is for someone with access to Trump or his proxies to really press them on how the "wall" is unimplementable.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ianbremmer: you have to undercut Coulter to her base to have an effect. Eg: her enabling of Trump led to Pence. Point it out to her fans.