Tweets to Ian batterton

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Ian batterton
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Steve Sailer's avatar
From @Steve_Sailer
America dominates women's soccer for the same reason South Korea dominates women's golf: because nobody else cares.
fs's avatar
From @mfgengr
@Steve_Sailer American men have better games to play. American women don’t.
Ian batterton's avatar
From @ianb_66
@Steve_Sailer @AnnCoulter Because the best athletes in the U.S. don’t play soccer! If lebron,trout, kamara, kawh…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Yes, like Ball-in-Hoop and kneeball. MT @mfgengr [@Steve_Sailer gets soccer wrong, of course] American men have better games to play. American women don’t.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Any top tier soccer player (& lots of U16) would literally run rings around your fantasies or draw them into a penalty kick. MT @ianb_66 the best U.S. athletes don’t play soccer! If lebron,trout, kamara, kawhi played soccer [,...] U.S men would dominate that too