Tweets to Hamid Mir

Hamid Mir's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Hamid Mir
Islamabad, Pakistan
Journalist and author.Carrying two bullets in my body as souvenir from the enemies of media freedom
Tweets to this user:
Mahim Maher's avatar
From @Mahim_Maher
@HamidMirPAK was refreshing after so much censorship. So good to hear it all being said. Glad @ICMCPK was held Do c…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Mahim_Maher: another way you can oppose censorship is to oppose what Twitter does. They heavily censor all kinds of users all around the world. They censor dissent to Pakistan leaders. Please see my pinned tweet for the details.
Kashif N Chaudhry's avatar
From @KashifMD
RT @RabwahTimes: Pakistani journalist @HamidMirPAK and Farooq Sulehria discuss mob attack against #Ahmadiyya Mosque and the media censorshi…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KashifMD @HamidMirPAK: #Twitter heavily censors replies to U.S. politicians. How about using the app in my top tweet to bust Twitter for censoring replies to Pakistan politicians?