Tweets to Graham Brookie

Graham Brookie's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Graham Brookie
Managing Editor & Director @AtlanticCouncil's @DFRLab. @NSC44 & @WhiteHouse alum. Following facts. Retweets are retweets. Account is personal, as is democracy.
Tweets to this user:
Juliet Eilperin's avatar
From @eilperin
.@GrahamBrookie says Heartland's YouTube campaign “is not outright disinformation,” but it “does bear resemblance t…
Juliet Eilperin's avatar
From @eilperin
@GrahamBrookie It seeks to establish "a false equivalency between a message based in climate science that went vira…
Ryan Miller's avatar
From @RyanMiller_WX
@eilperin @GrahamBrookie As an environmental science teacher, it’s hard to combat ignorance, even pride in ignoranc…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You aren't smart enough to make valid arguments or even grok you aren't. Thus, censorship. MT @RyanMiller_WX As an environmental science teacher, it’s hard to combat ignorance, even pride in ignorance, when people like [Naomi Seibt] are given even an ounce of media coverage..
Graham Brookie's avatar
From @GrahamBrookie
It's possible to be a strong supporter of the free speech *AND* support taking action against the intentional, syst…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
The "action" you mean is censorship, not showing disinfo wrong. You & thus @DFRLab are pro-censorship. MT @GrahamBrookie It's possible to be a strong supporter of the free speech *AND* support taking action against the intentional, systematic spread of disinformation