Tweets to George Papadopoulos

George Papadopoulos's avatar
Twitter handle: 
George Papadopoulos
Fmr advisor to President Trump. Best selling author of Deep State Target. @Newsmax contributor. Host of @PUNCHINGBACKPOD Congressional candidate CA-25
Tweets to this user:
Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos's avatar
From @simonamangiante
Thank you for the compliment about my looks, but what makes me unique is the loyalty &unconditional support that I…
@FormerBlindAssDem's avatar
From @FmrBlindAssDem
@simonamangiante @GeorgePapa19 You are an authentic, beautiful, sexy, intelligent, and committed partner to George.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @FmrBlindAssDem [to @simonamangiante] You's authentic/beautiful/sexy/umnaya/committed partner. Enjoy the love you share and the amazing adventure you’re both in the midst of experiencing. You have a new family here on Twitter. It’s not how you get them, it’s how you love them.
George Papadopoulos's avatar
From @GeorgePapa19
Furthermore, the Turkish military is harassing US energy companies conducting business in the Eastern Mediterranean…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Non-verified account. Legit or Q? #MAGA #resist MT @GeorgePapa19 Turkish military harasses US energy companies in E. Med/Cyprus/Israel. When I would advise the companies, the number one threat to their operations was, and remains, Turkey. This is no US ally. Saudi is.