Tweets to fka Arkantart

fka Arkantart's avatar
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fka Arkantart
The Resistance
Why are they not in jail yet? #InMuellerWeTrust #StillShePersisted Not a troll/bot. Separating politics from pets/animals. Banner by @acyn.
Tweets to this user:
fka Arkantart's avatar
From @FArkantart
@abeaujon Thank you for giving these journalists a spotlight. I appreciate their work.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FArkantart @dsharden: re the @abeaujon blog "What It's Like for Journalists Who Cover the Alt-Right", aren't all who do that completely opposed? Isn't that like how Fox finds reds under every bed? Also, has any "journalist" ever done anything that didn't just *help* Trump?
fka Arkantart's avatar
From @FArkantart
@24AheadDotCom_ @dsharden @abeaujon I'm not following what you mean?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@FArkantart: all the "journalists" who cover alt right are fierce opponents. It's like Fox going to OWS & finding only dirty hippies & Maoists, rather than trying to engage their actual point. As for "journalists" & Trump, he & his base drink their tears. @dsharden @abeaujon