Tweets to Emily Nussbaum

Emily Nussbaum's avatar
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Emily Nussbaum
Staff writer for The New Yorker. “I Like to Watch: Arguing My Way Through The TV Revolution.”
Tweets to this user:
Emily Nussbaum's avatar
From @emilynussbaum
Please cancel this show, it is no longer coherent even to fans
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Just seeing her reply, I knew it'd be some snark about something that isn't a show. Drop the snark & go get a real job. You might eventually understand why Trump's a 2-termer. MT @emilynussbaum Please cancel this show, it is no longer coherent even to fans [Bronfman/Avenatti]
Emily Nussbaum's avatar
From @emilynussbaum
You have no health insurance. You have an untreated eating disorder. Your understandable rage-tears are scaring str…
poncedeleonconstantlyon's avatar
From @mariocotto
@emilynussbaum @TheMadBrand You've been unconscionably manipulated and abused by Capitalism. You're a doer. Find the money.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mariocotto: did you hear @TheMadBrand interview with @ericgarcetti? Sad, not any kind of journalism. He had to correct her on law. #KCRW
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mariocotto: sanctuary cities = crooked pols helping connected biz lower US wages. @ericgarcetti knew @TheMadBrand wouldn't follow $. #KCRW