Tweets to Edmund Moy

Edmund Moy's avatar
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Edmund Moy
38th Director of the @USMint, 2006-2011 #gold #politics #economics #Christian #coins #Bitcoin
Tweets to this user:
Edmund Moy's avatar
From @EdmundCMoy
RT @24AheadDotCom: .@EdmundCMoy: it'd be better for U.S. & CentAm if you pointed out Joe Klein's solution of letting everyone in won't solvโ€ฆ
Edmund Moy's avatar
From @EdmundCMoy
The Border and Obama. Wow. Even Joel Klein appeals to Obama to stop finding refuge w/celebrities & tackle problems.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@EdmundCMoy: it'd be better for U.S. & CentAm if you pointed out Joe Klein's solution of letting everyone in won't solve the problem. #tcot
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@24AheadDotCom @EdmundCMoy Export #manufacturing. Import #labor to compete for " #serviceeconomy" jobs left. Cui bono? #OWS
Edmund Moy's avatar
From @EdmundCMoy
@johnkt09 @24aheaddotcom Lower corporate & individual taxes, reduce excessive regulations keeps good pay jobs here & that benefits everyone.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@EdmundCMoy @24AheadDotCom Yeah, we all see what economic miracle thirty years of #taxcuts and #deregulation have worked. #OWS
Edmund Moy's avatar
From @EdmundCMoy
@johnkt09 @24aheaddotcom Better than the economic "miracle" of stagflation or the higher taxes, more regs, & price controls of Nixon years.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@EdmundCMoy @24AheadDotCom No. The 99% were even so better off then than they are now. And they're what counts. Not the 1%.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@EdmundCMoy @24AheadDotCom Basically, Nixon years paid for Johnson years, Vietnam War + Great Society without raising taxes.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@EdmundCMoy @24AheadDotCom Also. OPEC first flexing its muscles didn't help.
John Kennard's avatar
From @johnkt09
@EdmundCMoy @24AheadDotCom We could point to Eisenhower years more honestly. And what were taxes and regulation then?