Tweets to Don Jr is the Fail Son

Don Jr is the Fail Son's avatar
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Don Jr is the Fail Son
Twitter keeps banning me for calling Don Jr a P*SSY
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Citizens for Ethics's avatar
From @CREWcrew
We filed a Hatch Act complaint against Jared Kushner yesterday. But he's far from the first Trump administration ofโ€ฆ
Don Jr is the Fail Son's avatar
From @Don_Jr_SUCKS
@CREWcrew Yeah we all know what's going to happen with that...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Don_Jr_SUCKS: indeed, nothing @CREWcrew has ever done has actually hurt Trump. What the could do is challenge Trump proxies in debate on the huge flaws in Trump's plans; that'd devastate Trump. Call them up & ask them to do that, see what they say.