Tweets to Gaeilgeoir 📚 "MerryImpeachmas"🌿 Glas

Gaeilgeoir 📚 "MerryImpeachmas"🌿 Glas's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Gaeilgeoir 📚 "MerryImpeachmas"🌿 Glas
the upside down
🎡 it's just a ride 🎡 ✌🏻✊🏻💚🇮🇪 🐖🎻🐧🎸 🗽 🌍 I'm with her 🌍 🗽 Diúltaíonn Sunnydale pronouns sí / í / Dude
Tweets to this user:
Gaeilgeoir 📚 "MerryImpeachmas"🌿 Glas's avatar
From @Deirdriu
RT @AmhBoo: Rob Rogers was fired today from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette after 25 yrs. Why is this important? It is censorship. Rob's cart…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What color most motivates Trump & his cronies? MT @Deirdriu MT @AmhBoo: Rob Rogers was fired today from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette after 25 yrs. Why is this important? It is censorship. Rob's cartoons were directly critical of Trump & alluded to racism