Tweets to Daniel Dale

Daniel Dale's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Daniel Dale
Washington DC
Reporter for CNN, fact-checking the president and other politicians.
Tweets to this user:
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Here's Trump's public schedule for tomorrow. Roundtables with supporters are high-dollar fundraisers. I put non-tra…
Kathy Curley's avatar
From @KathyCurley5
@ddale8 There's a tweet for everything!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Can you name any point in time when hiliting that had any impact on Trump at all? @ddale8 's blogged 100s of supposed/real Trump lies, has that had any impact at all? Is he doing it right or wrong? MT @KathyCurley5 [hilites Trump hypocrisy, just like Hannity does of Dems]
Wolf Blitzer's avatar
From @wolfblitzer
Thanks @ddale8 and welcome to @CNN
Wes's avatar
From @WesAllenn
@wolfblitzer @ddale8 @CNN I do regret all the times I called him a cheap shill...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WesAllenn: @wolfblitzer obsesses over Category 5; it makes him look cheap & *helps* Trump. He can't engage Trump fans on Trump's gross incompetence. Likewise, @ddale8 has only ever helped Trump. If you only helped opponents, wouldn't you catch on?
Mark W. Wilson, MD's avatar
From @markwwilsonmd
RT @DefenseBaron: JUST IN: Trump dismisses the very real and tragic stories of US military veterans struggling with the VA health system as…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@markwwilsonmd: has anything @ddale8 ever said had any impact on Trump? Won't he still be pointing to Trump lies/"lies" years after Trump's been reelected? As a supposed shrink, are you capable of understanding that undercutting Trump should be your goal & he isn't helping you?
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Here are the president’s first non-tweeted comments about his visits to hospitals in two cities that experienced ma…
Kerri 🦋's avatar
From @KerriJersey
@ddale8 He's incapable of human emotion
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 Inhuman, perhaps.
Kerri 🦋's avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 I've run out of words to describe him
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 After the last few days, I feel someone scooped out my insides and just wants me to collapse.…
Kerri 🦋's avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 I'm so sorry. I truly am. I just don't understand how people see him as a good man
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 What's worse - I see people I thought I knew acting like mini versions of what they see on TV.…
Kerri 🦋's avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 One of my best friends over 25 years is a trump supporter. We don't talk politics but I'm havin…
Bob Smith's avatar
From @RCSmithNYC
@KerriJersey @ddale8 I can imagine. I'm just so spent. Wooden ships. Keep thinking of that song.
Kerri 🦋's avatar
From @KerriJersey
@RCSmithNYC @ddale8 I feel that way a lot too. Then I take a few days off from the news and then realize that this…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@KerriJersey @RCSmithNYC: ddale8's list of Trump "lies" includes misleading citations. If he's going to call Trump on lying he should get his facts right. More importantly, name even one case where anything he's said has had any impact on Trump or his base. Name even one.
Felicia Sonmez's avatar
From @feliciasonmez
Reporters were not allowed inside the hospital to witness this "Rock Star" reception today.
They say life is funny...Sometimes I wish I was.'s avatar
From @SPTO
@feliciasonmez @ddale8 I doubt this very very much. If anything i'm guessing Trump was received politely but with disdain.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Can you direct me to anything Sonmez has ever said ever having any impact on Trump? Has she put him on the spot on anything? Has she shown him wrong to his base? Haven't those like her only ever helped Trump? MT @SPTO MT @feliciasonmez [snarks about Trump's Dayton trip]
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Asked how he'd feel if someone said to him that Melania should go back to where she came from, Trump just repeats t…
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Asked if this fight is good or bad politics, Trump says, "I don't know if it's good or bad politically, I don't car…
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Told that the congresswomen of color have the First Amendment right to criticize the country, Trump says he also has First Amendment rights.
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Reminded of his own past criticism of the state of the country and asked why that was okay but this isn't, Trump sa…
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Trump is now addressing the issue of plastic straws (I believe someone asked). He notes that plates and wrappers an…
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Trump repeats his usual imaginary "94%" Republican approval rating.
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Trump says what is "racist to me" is what the congresswomen have said, since they, he claims, "hate everybody." (He…
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Trump keeps accusing Ocasio-Cortez of calling the people of the US "garbage." She didn't call Americans garbage. Re…
D. M. Candiru's avatar
From @DoctorCandiru
@ddale8 Someone please correct him in the room! Please!
Ron Simpson's avatar
From @rgspol
@DoctorCandiru @ddale8 And ask and re-ask the same question until he actually answers the tough ones. If he moves t…
Independent Voter's avatar
From @shellymaxwell
@rgspol @DoctorCandiru @ddale8 Exactly
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@shellymaxwell: for how many years has @ddale8 been hyping Trump's lies? Trump lies a lot (and Dale isn't that credible either), but Trump fans do not care. Nothing Dale says has ever had or will ever have an impact on Trump. And, isn't undercutting Trump what you want to do?
Daniel Dale's avatar
From @ddale8
Here’s Trump’s public schedule for tomorrow. (Public schedules don’t include all of a president’s activities.)
BarbaraErskineMiller's avatar
From @barbaraemiller
@ddale8 Another day with nothing. #LaziestPOTUSever
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@barbaraemiller: @ddale8 (who blocked me for pointing out how he deceives) is like someone writing a diary as the Titanic sinks. Nothing he's ever said or will ever say will ever negatively impact Trump in any way. If your goal is to hold Trump accountable, Dale is worthless.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@tigerbeat: FYI, @DDale8 blocked me when I pointed out that its list of Trump lies has deceptive entries. If someone is going to call Trump on deception, shouldn't they be sure to get things right, yes or no?
Jackie's avatar
From @Jackstar009
Canada representin’ on @CNN with @ddale8 on @donlemon right now!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Jackstar009: FYI, @ddale8 blocked me for pointing out that some of the items on his list of Trump "lies" are deceptive. Canada is being represented by someone who has a similar problem with the truth as Trump. #MAGA #TorontoStar #resist
Steve Rhodes's avatar
From @tigerbeat
RT @ddale8: I’ll (probably) be on CNN with @donlemon around 11:30 talking about Trump’s increasing dishonesty.
