Tweets to David Roth

David Roth's avatar
Twitter handle: 
David Roth
New York City, New York State
Various at Deadspin and SB Nation and Vice Sports, co-founder of @Classical, turtle owner. Not the one from Van Halen or magic. Header art by Vicki Nerino.
Tweets to this user:
David Roth's avatar
From @david_j_roth
Here's a good post about a bad time from someone who knows a lot.
jacques uzi's avatar
From @bromethazine
@david_j_roth much love to all of you at Deadspin; you make our lives better and we appreciate it.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Roth & Deadspin bloggers probably don't "know a lot". One example is they can't figure out how to undercut Trump to his base. MT @bromethazine MT @david_j_roth [re a whine from a Deadspin blogger] Here's a good post about a bad time from someone who knows a lot.
David Roth's avatar
From @david_j_roth
Thinking about becoming the type of guy who has lots of aperitifs and opinions about all of them. A true unbearableā€¦
Mike Rogge's avatar
From @skiingrogge
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@skiingrogge: @david_j_roth is quite the wit I'm sure, but what impact will his blog "Look At This Weird Thing Donald Trump Just Belched Up" ever have on Trump? If it doesn't have an impact, what use is it? Why can't he figure out a way to have an impact on Trump?
David Roth's avatar
From @david_j_roth
What if you replaced all the dunks in the slam dunk contest with micro-strokes? Well.
actioncookbook's avatar
From @actioncookbook
@david_j_roth Hand to god, without the video, I would've guessed this quote as one of your bits. The art is indistinguishable from the man.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@actioncookbook: what's funniest about @david_j_roth 's bits is Donald Trump is leader of the free world and gets to do whatever he wants. And, nothing those like Roth have done has done anything but helped him. Maybe Roth's doing performance art or something.