Tweets to Dan Herrin

Dan Herrin's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Dan Herrin
Birmingham, AL
Prominent P.I./Former-Fed LEO. Rapscallion. 🎥-Noir-Fan. Sometime-Scofflaw-With-A-❤️-of-Gold. Animal-Rescuer. Preferred Pronouns: Raconteur/Dandy/Bon-Vivant
Tweets to this user:
Dan Herrin's avatar
From @DanOHerrin
RT @kausmickey: Art of a Lame-Duck Immigration Deal Don't like "more amnesty visas" beyond the 700K current DACA re…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DanOHerrin: for years, @kausmickey, to the extent he has any ability to do so, has enabled Trump. He could have urged Coulter & others to urge Trump to use smart anti-amnesty arguments instead of those that only play to 30% of the USA. Did he do that?
Dan Herrin's avatar
From @DanOHerrin
RT @DutyOfAPatriot: @RealJamesWoods Each of these tweets was, in fact, available for retweet if you left the main feed and went to their pa…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DanOHerrin: my data - real data, not anecdata - shows #Twitter censors about as many libs as cons. That destroys the victimization shtick of some, but I'm sure you're not like that & will oppose their censorship no matter who's impacted. #MAGA #resist