Tweets to Charlie Warzel

Charlie Warzel's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Charlie Warzel
writer-at-large for The New York Times Opinion page. I cover the information wars. DMs open.
Tweets to this user:
Paul Mozur 孟建国's avatar
From @paulmozur
You couldn't script a better parable of censorship's dangers: China tames the internet, which helps blind it to a d…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
NYT/WaPo/etc very, very strongly support censorship. Does this mean you oppose attempts by @cwarzel etc to silence opponents? MT @paulmozur You couldn't script a better parable of censorship's dangers: China tames the internet, which helps blind it to a dangerous new virus...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@postofficetruth: Trump officials need to be pressed on more ventilators/beds/tests etc. Those like @cwarzel have access but obsess over dreck. To get them to listen, put their careers on the line: either they start asking tough questions on real issues, or help destroy careers
Postal Truth's avatar
From @postofficetruth
@cwarzel @NewYorkerResist What's the Pence CV19 team's plan for getting more ventilators to states? Will we buy the…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Thank you for being sane. MT @postofficetruth What's the Pence CV19 team's plan for getting more ventilators to states? Will we buy them from other countries, ramp up our own manufacturing? It's clear they will be needed ASAP. What's the plan?.. #MoreTests
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
this is bananas. i asked a senior engineer at google about a nationwide program this afternoon and they told me “No…
David Fore's avatar
From @DavidFore
@cwarzel @chrislhayes I know how this conversation goes... CLIENT GUY: We need it by the end of the weekend. The w…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DavidFore: I assume you're in s/w, with clients, etc. Do your clients know (yet) that you enable worthless clickbait rather than demanding real questions about hospital beds/test kits/etc? MT @cwarzel [obsesses over Trump/Google/Covid19 site]
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
my hottest possible take is that twitter *is* real life
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
i turned it into content
Luke Metzger's avatar
From @lukemetzger
@cwarzel great piece! fyi - "canvass" is misspelled though
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lukemetzger: @cwarzel is very pro-censorship. He's a totalitarian who wants to dictate what people can see. He's the opposite of a liberal, what about you?
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
a few days after the election I wrote about Barnes after Trump campaign called him MVP. good on @dseetharaman for g…
Roger McNamee's avatar
From @Moonalice
@cwarzel @dseetharaman Please keep digging. There is more to this story.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Moonalice: those like @cwarzel serve Putin's interests. Why do you think Putin was so obvious about his hacking? He wanted it to be found. He knew those like Warzel would push for more censorship. More censorship shows our system doesn't work. Warzel's a big censorship fan.
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
i wrote about zuckerberg’s worldview
Show Your Work's avatar
From @showusyourwork
@cwarzel The businessmen of yore used to value each human being in dollar terms ("you're either a debit or a credit…
Ed Zitron's avatar
From @edzitron
@cwarzel @fmanjoo not believe Zuckerberg sees connectivity as a universal good. He just wants more power an…
Angel Kennedy's avatar
From @craftedbyangel
@cwarzel @schwanksta So on a similar note, Facebook has been deleting a series of screenshots regarding alleged sex…
Abintra🌎🌍🌏's avatar
From @abintra
@cwarzel Mr. Zuckerberg’s “worldview” is unencumbered profiteering.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@showusyourwork: libs of yore (allegedly) opposed censorship, now some cheer bookburners like @cwarzel. Breitbart banned me for constantly showing them wrong. Warzel can't show them wrong, he can only smear & try to silence. He also helps Putin (who wants more U.S. censorship).
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@edzitron: hey Ed, does Putin want the U.S. to be a free society (thus showing our system works), or does he want more U.S. censorship (thus showing that people need a strongman)? Lil' Honeckers like cwarzel give Putin what he wants. Just as he plays Trump, he plays them.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@abintra: Breitbart banned me for constantly showing them wrong. But, unlike cwarzel, I can show them wrong. He just wants to silence them like the totalitarian he is. Liberals (allegedly) used to oppose bookburners like Warzel.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What's ironic is you're replying to cwarzel. He's very, very strongly pro-censorship. He wants FB to be as much an echo chamber as NYT. OTOH, he's corrupt. Pay him enough & he'll care. MT @craftedbyangel [alleges FB has deleted dumpster-diving about a celeb]
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
i really like public speaking, eating fairground foods, and performatively doing random tasks/having somebody show…
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
basically, if you'd like to donate millions of dollars to me, i'll come to your town and we will eat corn dogs and…
Natalia BE Green 🇵🇱🇺🇸's avatar
From @NataliaBEgreen
@cwarzel I don’t know who you are but why do you ask people to donate millions of dollars to you? Are you running for a President of USA ?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NataliaBEgreen: @cwarzel is a NYT parasite who strongly supports censorship. He helps Putin (who wants more U.S. censorship to show our system doesn't work). He's paid by one of the world's richest men (Slim) to push anti-American NeoLiberal policies (those led to Trump).
todd's avatar
From @ToddHildebran
@cwarzel Yep buzzfeed threatening to dox meme makers is added sprinkles!!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ToddHildebran: @cwarzel & other supposed journalists are very pro-censorship. Putin wants to show the American system - such as free speech - doesn't work & that people need a strongman. He wants *more* censorship in the USA. Point out that Warzel serves Putin's interests.
Charlie Warzel's avatar
From @cwarzel
Twitter is not going to do anything to stop Trump tweets. That should be very clear at this point.
Jason Cross's avatar
From @JasonCross00
@cwarzel @TechmemeChatter What are they afraid of? That the right will scream bias? They're already doing that. The…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
You simply aren't smart enough to realize the downsides. I'll point that out at the next MacWorld (assuming they still have them). MT @JasonCross00 [of #MacWorld] There's literally nothing to lose [by banning Trump] and everything to gain
