Tweets to Cuomo Prime Time

Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
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Cuomo Prime Time
When he faces power, no one gets a pass. #CuomoPrimeTime with @ChrisCuomo airs weeknights at 9 p.m. ET on CNN. #LetsGetAfterIt
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Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
From @CuomoPrimeTime
"I wouldn't put a whole lot of stock in that." Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey dismisses acting-Attorney Ge…
🇺🇸WooPigDamnit🇺🇸🐗🐗🐗's avatar
From @StewPross
@CuomoPrimeTime Unbelievable. When must get our Country back. This is wrong on so many levels.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@StewPross: @ChrisCuomo only has a Plan P For Putin. If it doesn't pan out, he'll have nothing that will undercut Trump to likely voters in 2020. Cuomo also has to go after Trump on immigration, specifically how his plans are unimplementable or harm the USA.
Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
From @CuomoPrimeTime
Roger Stone's friend and colleague, Kristin Davis, says he may not have recalled certain details when testifying:…
C Paine's avatar
From @CPaine10
@CuomoPrimeTime Cuomo, we know you are Italian MOB. Kellyanne Conway has dirt on you (and your bro) We see you and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CPaine10: while your allegation about @CuomoPrimeTime fits his behavior - he always gets bowled over by Kellyanne & he refuses to press her on what would really undercut her & Trump to Trump's base - do you have any proof of it? #LetsGetAfterIt
Niger Innis's avatar
From @NigerInnisCORE
Getting ready to be a guest on @cnn on @CuomoPrimeTime with @angela_rye Tune In!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NigerInnisCORE: Trump a "nationalist" = 25% agree, most oppose, you have to jump thru hoops to defend. Most oppose. Trump a "*civic* nationalist" = most agree, only elites/helpers oppose, easy to defend. Trump simply doesn't have the smarts, sanity, or patriotism.
Paul Rieckhoff's avatar
From @PaulRieckhoff
So this is in my face right now. Totally normal. I’m up next with @CuomoPrimeTime on @CNN. @IAVA
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PaulRieckhoff: Trump will get away with "rocks=rifles" because his loudest opponents just play into his hands. You can help Trump by: not opposing mass/illegal immigration; only appealing to libs; not engaging his proxies & showing them wrong. Are you going to help Trump?
Amy Kremer's avatar
From @AmyKremer
Tune in! Should be interesting #BuildTheDamnWall #SecureOurBorders @ChrisCuomo @cnn @CuomoPrimeTime
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AmyKremer: re your claims on @ChrisCuomo show, search Esequiel Hernandez Jr. It's great you say you oppose the Trump/Pelosi amnesty. Light a candle for Trump: ask Cuomo the questions at the link. That'll help Trump, GOP, and USA.
Cuomo Prime Time's avatar
From @CuomoPrimeTime
GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz to @ChrisCuomo:"Sometimes tough talk works, its worked in some other places." Cuomo: "Well, so…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CuomoPrimeTime: hey Chris, here are a couple questions you can ask @mattgaetz next time. These would actually put him on the spot, unlike what you ask him now.
