Tweets to U.S. Commerce Dept.

U.S. Commerce Dept.'s avatar
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U.S. Commerce Dept.
Washington, DC
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Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
A pleasure to meet Nguyen Manh Hung, Vietnamโ€™s Minister of Information and Communications! We had a warm conversatiโ€ฆ
Peter's avatar
From @BurgerDogBoy
@AjitPaiFCC @FCC @StateCIP @USAsiaPacific @CommerceGov And the taxpayer paid vacation continues!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BurgerDogBoy: you'll never get anywhere complaining about junkets. The smart way to make Ajit Pai better is for smart people to engage him in real debate at his appearances using Socratic questions. If you really care, help find smart people to do that.
Ajit Pai's avatar
From @AjitPaiFCC
An honor to address the U.S. @ITU #WRC19 delegation! I talked about the rich legacy of American leadership on ICT iโ€ฆ
Viddles's avatar
From @Dviddles
@AjitPaiFCC @ITU @StateDept @CommerceGov @NTIAgov Did you discuss Americans receiving 5 billion Robocalls a month?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Dviddles: AjitPaiFCC constantly gets replies complaining about robocalls, just as he always has about Net Neutrality. Have any of those replies worked? (Hint: no, and they'll never work) Are leaders who agree with you capable of coming up with smarter tactics?