Tweets to Chris Leggatt

Chris Leggatt's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Chris Leggatt
Just your average, ordinary, everyday superhero- Political Consultant, AuH2o Fan, former USCG, of Scottish decent, and Practitioner of Wise-Assery.
Tweets to this user:
CJSAY's avatar
From @Sr4liberty
RT @kausmickey: Good line RT @ChrisLeggatt: Props to @AnnCoulter on @seanhannity "America needs a two state solution with Mexico"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
MT @Sr4liberty RT kausmickey: Good line RT ChrisLeggatt: Props to AnnCoulter on seanhannity "America needs a two state solution with Mexico"
Tim Kahanek's avatar
From @TimKahanek
RT @kausmickey: Good line RT @ChrisLeggatt: Props to @AnnCoulter on @seanhannity "America needs a two state solution with Mexico"
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TimKahanek: who does the Coulter "two state solution with Mexico" quote resonate with? Will any weak Obama supporters be swayed by it?