Tweets to Christopher Cadelago

Christopher Cadelago's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Christopher Cadelago
Washington, DC
National political reporter covering 2020 for @POLITICO. Before: @sacbee_news @sdut @sfchronicle @Cal.
Tweets to this user:
Christopher Cadelago's avatar
From @ccadelago
The Iowa couple that rescued me from a blizzard isn’t close to deciding on a candidate for 2020, but they want some…
Scott Detrow's avatar
From @scottdetrow
@ccadelago As a side note, I am available to go jacket-shopping with you before the next trip.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@scottdetrow: hey Scott, you cheer the latest @ccadelago puffpiece. If your fans were informed you've never once tried to hold leaders accountable on anything - you've never even once "questioned authority" - what % would then ignore you? Let's find out.
Christopher Cadelago's avatar
From @ccadelago
.@AbcarianLAT: On the campaign trail, Kamala Harris tries on a sequined jacket, and men go nuts
blaineloveskurt's avatar
From @klainereunited
@ccadelago @AbcarianLAT Wait to until they hear she was there to support a business owned by a woman who helps other women.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@klainereunited: @ccadelago hypes the @AbcarianLAT blog about Kamala's "sequined jacket". It's that type of "reporting" that helped elect Trump. Neither are real reporters. Real reporters hold pols accountable, like on how Kamala helped get Tony Bologna & his sons killed.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@AndrewRestuccia & @ccadelago co-blog "Trump tries to rewrite history on Maria as Hurricane Florence approaches", quoting a "stinging rejoinder" from Carmen Yulín Cruz. Cruz might as well be working for Trump. She's never turned anyone against him, she just solidifies his base.
Christopher Cadelago's avatar
From @ccadelago
.@DougOse drops another $350K into close race with @RepBera #CA07
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ccadelago: do you have an ETA when you'll do your job and, eg, ask Kashkari the very tough policy questions I sent you on 7/31/14? #SacBee
Christopher Cadelago's avatar
From @ccadelago
@24AheadDotCom_ Not sure what you mean ...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ccadelago: on 7/31/14 I tweeted you "tough policy questions for Kashkari: " & asked when you'll ask him them.
Christopher Cadelago's avatar
From @ccadelago
.@neelkashkari, candidate for California governor, poses as homeless man in Fresno
Max Shenker's avatar
From @MaxShenker
@ccadelago @neelkashkari Why doesn't the article include links to the video or WSJ essay?
Christopher Cadelago's avatar
From @ccadelago
@MaxShenker @neelkashkari Let me check.
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@ccadelago: tough policy questions for Kashkari: So tough he smeared me over them. When will you ask them?