Tweets to Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊⏳

Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊⏳'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊⏳
Washington, DC
Federal court says I “trolled the web through Twitter.” An “information terrorist” according to Wired. Free Press. Free Speech. Free Assange. Destroy neocons.
Tweets to this user:
Jim Hoft's avatar
From @gatewaypundit
Ilhan Omar Challenger Banned From Twitter For Saying the Rep. Should Be Hanged for Treason if She Passed Info to Ir…
🦋JD 🍃's avatar
From @BrunetteJoy
@gatewaypundit @CassandraRules I agree with her
Strange Juan's avatar
From @strang666
@BrunetteJoy @gatewaypundit @CassandraRules In good with it as well.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@strang666: @BrunetteJoy blocked me despite never tweeting it. @gatewaypundit banned me for correctly pointing out he's hazy on the truth (eg, his Robert Lewis Dear post). Hoft is on board with Trump's amnesty & he & his fans act just like SJWs by quashing dissent.
Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊⏳'s avatar
From @CassandraRules
If someone is wrong, say they are wrong and explain why. Don’t just yell “shut up” and ban them from speaking. That…
Mae-ree &💡🎄's avatar
From @kaymaes17
@CassandraRules Yes. For instance this guy is textbook hateful, but I’m thankful he has the freedom to reveal his c…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I've been banned from Gateway Pundit, Breitbart, NYMag, RawStory, MoJo, etc. etc. just for showing them wrong. Birds of a feather. MT @kaymaes17 MT @CassandraRules If someone is wrong, say they are wrong and explain why. Don’t just yell “shut up” and ban them from speaking...
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
TWITTER REMOVES Tommy Robinson’s CAMPAIGN Twitter account
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
If I had to pin the responsibility for this on someone here we go.
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Hey @jack @vijaya what did Tommy’s CAMPAIGN account do?
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
UPDATE: @carlukip Carl Benjamin's CAMPAIGN account is ALSO SUSPENDED had over 10,000 followers was well establish…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Here’s what @carlukip looked like before being suspended
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
INFO regarding @carlukip suspension
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
"This is election interference, and UKIP will get to the bottom of this. " -- @UKIP
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
BuzzFeed UK's Mark Di Stefano decides to up the value of my reporting by fucking up at his job again. Thanks for b…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
"Twitter told The Hill that the accounts had been suspended for violating the platform's terms of service."…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Go ahead and point out Tommy Robinson's TOS violation, @jack @vijaya
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Mirror article is shit. WRONG: "But many of the tweets were written in the first person,…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
If you want a not-garbage article here’s @CassandraRules with one.
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
OH COME ON @jack @vijaya "ACCOUNT NOT OPERATED BY CARL BENJAMIN" "Violating our rules against evading permanent su…
Nick Monroe's avatar
From @nickmon1112
Hey @Jack @vijaya i have proof that Carl Benjamin DOES NOT RUN THE ACCOUNT
James Doleman's avatar
From @jamesdoleman
@nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya And here's the proof he does (clue is in the first person singular)
Assange: “I told you so”. Didnt he just? 🇦🇺's avatar
From @ReasonAusVote
@jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya The first person certainly does look like it’s him. a) Twitter will know…
mark's avatar
From @reinforcedtv
@ReasonAusVote @jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya IP could be from the same place because they might be at his home.
PaintHammer's avatar
From @ben_dragoo
@reinforcedtv @ReasonAusVote @jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya You do realize that there are ways to spoof I…
Assange: “I told you so”. Didnt he just? 🇦🇺's avatar
From @ReasonAusVote
@ben_dragoo @reinforcedtv @jamesdoleman @nickmon1112 @jack @vijaya Yes, but they can’t do it retrospectively. So if…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ReasonAusVote @nickmon1112: FYI, Twitter is extremely vulnerable: all non-verifieds could be censored at any time, they censor all kinds of users, & they heavily censor dissent to Trump officials. Publicize the real data at my pinned tweet to give them a really bad day.
Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊⏳'s avatar
From @CassandraRules
If you aren’t watching @LibertarianBlue and @NolteNC destroy @NewsGuardRating you are really missing out on some im…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I & 99.99% of USA must have missed out. Has NGR since disbanded? Lost any of the power they had? List all who had their minds changed right here: MT @CassandraRules If you aren’t watching @LibertarianBlue and @NolteNC destroy @NewsGuardRating you are really missing out...
On Hiatus's avatar
From @jofraw
RT @CassandraRules: The incredible @LibertarianBlue — who keeps wrecking google with bombshell leaks and scoops — is also here. I would pay…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jofraw: @LibertarianBlue has consistently *helped* Twitter. They love it when people think they only censor cons, because few GAFF about cons. The last thing they want everyone to know is the fact that they censor all kinds of users. Allum helps them by not revealing that.
Archive Reminder's avatar
From @WillieWholeSlew
RT @CassandraRules: It’s not just the right, it’s anyone who questions the narrative. May want to rethink your support of censorship, lefti…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Smart thing is to point out that those who support censorship aren't liberals. That marginalizes the censors. Cass marginalizes opponents. MT @WillieWholeSlew MT @CassandraRules [Twitter suspended supposed l/w account] May want to rethink your support of censorship, lefties
Cassandra Fairbanks 🕊⏳'s avatar
From @CassandraRules
Allums drink has cinnamon that is on fire @LibertarianBlue
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CassandraRules: @LibertarianBlue has consistently lied about Twitter censorship, falsely pretending only cons are impacted. In fact, they censor all kinds of users: see my top tweet for the real data. You could help millions, and all you'd need to do is tell the truth.
HeyIt'sVadim's avatar
From @vadimnewquist
After well over a year these are still the most honest tweets @PrisonPlanet and @CassandraRules ever tweeted...
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@vadimnewquist: in July, @PrisonPlanet started a petition against #Twitter censoring "alternative voices". He & Alex Jones are like the Niemoeller poem without the death camps.
Trump's Got My Vote's avatar
From @veganvecoh
RT @CassandraRules: Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) of Infowars Hit With 12 Hour Twitter Ban as the Platform Vows to 'Evaluate' Accounts…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
He & Jones made it easy for Twitter to push them around. 80% of Twitter users need to be worried about shadowbans, but Jones & PJW only cared about themselves. MT @veganvecoh MT @CassandraRules: PrisonPlanet Hit With 12 Hour Twitter Ban
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CassandraRules: hi Cassandra, if Trump trades away amnesty (the amnesty Obama wanted) for Trump Wall (paid for over 10 years), what will keep Dems & most GOP from simply reneging on The Wall after Trump's out of office?
