Tweets to Caleb Hull

Caleb Hull's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Caleb Hull
Arlington, VA
(Kelb) Political strategy & content. 3B views on conservative videos. Love working with nonprofits/campaigns/influencers. See website for business inquiries.
Tweets to this user:
Chip Ellis 🇺🇸's avatar
From @Bags_O_Beans
@CalebJHull @BernieSanders
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Bags_O_Beans: only Fox fans buy the @CalebJHull "arguments" against Bernie. Bernie's extremely vulnerable to his base over his immigration stance, but Caleb daren't use the huge vulnerability because Bernie & Trump/GOP are basically on the same side.
Caleb Hull's avatar
From @CalebJHull
@BernieSanders You've spent your entire adult life working a job paid for by taxpayers so you could go buy 3 houses
Jahid's avatar
From @BlindEagleAce
@CalebJHull @BernieSanders You know he was a carpenter. And he needs two houses at bare minimum since he is a sena…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Be very grateful Caleb is too much of a GOP lackey to go after Bernie where he's incredibly vulnerable: his loose immigration stance. Caleb can't do that because Bernie & Trump/GOP agree on it. MT @BlindEagleAce [Bernie was carpenter] MT @CalebJHull [OMG, Bernie has 3 houses!]
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@CalebJHull: congrats on the @Keder RT. In 2011, Keder helped Mittens lose. I realize it's all the same to you: if Mittens had won you could help your sugardads make money; if he loses you grift off the con base. But, even so.