Tweets to Bruce Mirken

Bruce Mirken's avatar
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Bruce Mirken
San Francisco
Media Relations Director, @Greenlining. Opinions (generally snarky) are strictly mine. RTs do not equal endorsements. Justice. Fairness. Equity. #ImpeachTheMF
Tweets to this user:
Bruce Mirken's avatar
From @BruceMirken
"An endless descent downward. Dante’s Inferno as drawn by M.C. Escher." Best description of the Trump era ever.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BruceMirken: @Will_Bunch certainly has a way with words. He doesn't seem to adept at coming up with plans to hold Trump accountable right now without counting on deus ex machina. My plans would work, but the Bunch types think they know best even as they obviously don't.
Bruce Mirken's avatar
From @BruceMirken
Trump's refusal to fund #PuertoRico relief is "ugly piled on ugly." --@ewarren on #inners
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Joe says "I'll protect the camp from bears!". A bear later steals the camp's food because Joe was mumbling to himself. Who bears the bigger blame: the bear, or Joe? Hint: Warren is Joe MT @BruceMirken Trump's refusal to fund #PuertoRico relief is "ugly piled on ugly." --ewarren