Tweets to Bonnie Bernstein

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Bonnie Bernstein
NYC, baby!
Sports Chick • Entrepreneur/Founder, Walk Swiftly Productions • ESPN/CBS vet • Public Speaker • Health + Fitness Nut • #GoTerps 🐢 • Instagram: @bonniebernstein
Tweets to this user:
Bonnie Bernstein's avatar
From @BonnieBernstein
Prediction: Lincoln Riley has his guys do 5 hours of ball security drills next week... #OUvsBAY
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BonnieBernstein: it might pay your bills, but kneeball is a joke of a sport. The big baby players need constant hand-holding. They need to be pointed in the right direction and given chance after chance to make a goal. Real football has constant actions & *real* athletes.