Tweets to Joseph Lacasale

Joseph Lacasale's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Joseph Lacasale
Big Hockey Fan. I watch the Rangers everyday but when they’re done playing or not on, I usually watch every hockey game, cause hockey is my sports
Tweets to this user:
NFL's avatar
From @NFL
.@TG3II stiff-arms his way into the end zone! #LARams : #SEAvsLAR on NBC : NFL app // Yahoo Sports app Watch fre…
Joseph Lacasale's avatar
From @Bleedblue062
@NFL @TG3II I’m a Hawks fan and I still can’t believe they didn’t flex this game to Niners-Saints
Dave's avatar
From @WisdomDavee
@Bleedblue062 @NFL @TG3II SF-NO was protected by FOX
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WisdomDavee: what would happen to an NHL player who took off his helmet & used it to commit a felonious assault on a defenseless opponent? @NFL is not only a joke of a sport, it's cultural ebola and completely un-Canadian.